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What We Watched This Week – November 17, 2017 [Video]

Brand Awareness

In this week’s What We Watched, Samsung kicks Apple’s butt, a $15 card game saves America, and Lie Witness News returns to embarrass the uninformed. 

Cards Against Humanity saves America

Who doesn’t love a brilliant holiday push driven by a hilarious video? If you’re like me, and you absolutely abhor POTUS, give this video a watch. I already own Cards Against Humanity, and this video made me want to purchase it again.

CJ Powell, Writer

New Samsung ad attacks Apple for 10 years of inferior iPhones

This week I watched the new Samsung commercial which trolls iPhone, and I think it is exactly what is needed in the industry today! Competition keeps tech growing and someone needs to kick Apple’s butt back into gear.

Jeffrey Steffonich, Art Director

Should Hillary Clinton be impeached?

Lie Witness News is back, and this time they are asking people if HRC should be impeached. Spoiler: They can’t impeach Hillary, as she didn’t win the presidential election.

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