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Support LB 358; More Halloran talk [Video]

Brand Awareness How to Market your Brand

The Public Pulse: Support LB 358; More Halloran talk

Medicaid dental program

Many Nebraskans who rely on Medicaid have been unable to access dental care. When tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma are left untreated, it causes significant pain and swelling. These conditions can impact ability to eat, normal growth and development, and affect a child’s ability to pay attention in school. For adults with smaller incomes, the problem is even worse. Painful dental disease can keep them from going to work and impacts the businesses who rely on their labor. For adults with medical conditions, untreated dental disease can negatively impact their diabetes, heart condition, and ability to respond to cancer treatment.

In many cases, patients who cannot access dental care end up in Nebraska hospital emergency rooms or are admitted to the hospital. This only drives up the cost of Medicaid expenses to the state and ultimately taxpayers. The problem lies in the low fees the state is asking dentists …

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