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Sent a threatening debt collection notice? How to VERIFY [Video]

Personal Branding

A law firm confirms to us their name is being used by fraudsters in a phishing email scheme.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Struggling with debt, whether it be medical bills or student loans, credit cards or payday advances, can be stressful and come with an overwhelming stigma and personal embarrassment. Unfortunately, fraudsters are banking on that stigma and the growing amount of debt Americans are taking on in an attempt to steal personal information and your money.

An email we obtained claims to be with a law firm representing an unpaid balance on an ACE Cash Express account and threatens legal action on the recipient, who believes they had an ACE account they let lapse years ago. They weren’t sure about this email’s legitimacy, however, and asked us to investigate.


Is this emailed debt collection notice genuine?


  • Semrad Law Firm, the name of the agency cited in the email
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act …

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