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Bill bombshell over tax thresholds change hitting 100,000 couples – see if you’re affected | Personal Finance | Finance [Video]

Personal Branding

More than 100,000 married couples face shock bills because of the Government’s decision to freeze tax thresholds.

The marriage allowance, which was introduced by former Conservative chancellor George Osborne, allowed a higher-earning spouse to transfer £1,260 (10 percent) of their personal allowance to their partner.

However a freeze on tax thresholds means that an estimated 127,680 are set to lose the benefit of this scheme.

Historically, the regime allowed a basic-rate taxpayer to receive a tax credit equivalent to £252 which could be transferred to their low paid partner.

But the ability to take advantage of this scheme is restricted to couples where one of the couple is a basic rate taxpayer and the other earns less than the personal allowance, currently £12,570.

A decision to freeze income tax thresholds until 2028-29, means 3 million workers will be pulled into the higher rate – 40 percent – tax bracket.

As a result, close to 128,000 couples …

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