7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

5 Ways to Nurture Connections for Sales Growth [Video]

Brand Awareness

3. Connect through following up. 

Follow up is where the sale is made. I see too many salespeople give up after two or three calls. I called that person five times. They never responded, so they must not be interested. 

Hold it. I’ve gone for months and even years of reaching out to a person to close the deal. I recently closed a deal with somebody who I had been pursuing for three years, and they wound up being an absolutely great customer. 

What was my cadence? I reached out to them every month, every six weeks. It wasn’t like it was every week, this was a senior level person, so that type of communication was going to work for them. I was always bringing them some value-added insights and information. 

I’ve got several more prospects that I’ve been reaching out to for pretty close to a year. And you know what? I’m not giving up. I bet my CRM system would show …

How Much Traffic do you Really Need?
How Much Traffic do you Really Need?
12 Steps to Create Videos