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This cheap supermarket coffee from Aldi topped a massive taste test [Video]

Personal Branding

Your morning coffee probably feels like the most important drink of the day, but if you’re a dedicated pumpkin spice latte lover, you won’t believe this.

A much cheaper supermarket own-brand coffee has just topped a huge UK taste test.

Many of us are likely to reach for the Nescafe or Kenco when it comes to our home brews, but what if there’s an alternative that tastes just as nice?

And what if you could get the perfect coffee for just a fraction of the price?

Aldi’s coffee – which costs only £2.19 for 227g – particularly satisfies both criteria, as the Which? taste test scored it the highest overall.

The ground coffee was rated in January 2024 by 71 people — most of whom drink coffee regularly, and are broadly representative of the general population.

To keep things fair and unbiased, the taste test was blind, and the order in which they drank the coffee was rotated …

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