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The Grant Wise Show Episode 19: How to build a personal brand in real estate [Video]

How to Market your Brand

The Grant Wise Show Episode 19: How to build a personal brand in real estate

How to build a personal brand in real estate with Buck Wise

Important Moments:

00:00 Learning content creation and community building, successful.
06:04 Transitioned from traditional to digital, founded agencies.
07:25 Challenges and growth shaped entrepreneurial journey.
10:26 Understanding and being heard is key.
15:03 Targeted marketing results in a 20% sales increase.
17:48 Studied millennials’ decision-making for the Adidas campaign.
21:37 Address public perception by telling customer stories.
25:16 Tie in Maxwell, communicate value and ensure success.
25:59 Articulate clear purpose for consumer engagement online.

In the latest episode of The Grant Wise Show, we dive into the transformative strategies for building your personal brand with Buck Wise, CEO of Closing Day Agency. Buck shared his wisdom on the significance of understanding consumer behavior, the art of storytelling, and the key strategies for building a magnetic personal brand in the crowded marketplace of real estate.


Persistent Brand Recognition: Customers believe messages after hearing them multiple times; consistent branding fosters recognition and trust.

Develop Narrow Focus: Niche targeting ensures resonant messaging, better customer relationships, and heightened authority within a specialized domain.

Crafting Persona Insights: Researching and understanding your customer avatar enables personalized, engaging marketing that resonates with their values and behaviors.

Strategic Content Organizing: Organized content creation helps maintain focus, streamlining marketing efforts and fostering intentional audience growth.

Evoking Consumer Behavior: Content should aim to resonate emotionally and evoke consumer behaviors that align with their pre-existing conversations and interests.

Magnetic Marketing Approach: Marketing that reflects personal values and identity will magnetically attract compatible clientele and opportunities.

Joining Conversations Matter: Join existing conversations with your audience for genuine engagement, rather than broadcasting messages that don’t invite interaction.

Accountability in Service: Keeping clients accountable can be an unexpected yet highly valued service dimension that fosters loyalty and results.

Telling Impactful Stories: Sharing relatable stories rather than focusing on dry metrics can change public perception and create deeper connections.

There are few things as powerful as a good personal brand and now more than ever, you must be intentional about building yours.

Take out your notepad and be ready to take action from a couple of “Wise” guys for building your personal brand in real estate.

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