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SWA Updates | SWA Plans Customer Experience Enhancements and Modernization of Brand Elements [Video]

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SWA Updates | SWA Plans Customer Experience Enhancements and Modernization of Brand Elements

Southwest Airlines Updates | Southwest Airlines Plans Customer Experience Enhancements and Modernization of Brand Elements with a Redesigned Cabin, New Seats, and a Uniform Refresh

– Southwest Airlines Co. is onboarding a new look and feel with plans for redesigned aircraft cabin conveniences and interiors that are distinctly Southwest® and will feature new aircraft seats from RECARO.
– Alongside these efforts, Southwest announces an Employee uniform refresh that will bring a modern look to more than 53,000 Southwest Employees.
– Southwest Airlines partnered with Tangerine, a leading design company that specializes in transportation, to create an updated cabin interior for new aircraft deliveries beginning next year. The design is based on extensive research covering Customer and Employee perceptions of color, comfort, and their aspirations for the overall onboard experience.
– The new RECARO seats include a multi-adjustable headrest cushion for enhanced head and neck support, an intuitively designed seat for ultimate comfort while maximizing seat width and overall support.
– Additionally, a Uniform Inspiration Team with 75 Southwest Employees is working alongside current apparel vendor, Design Collective by Cintas, and uniform brand consultant and fashion stylist, Bonnie Markel, to develop the new look for Southwest Employees who work in and around airports, including Inflight Operations, Ground Operations, Cargo, and Technical Operations.
– Southwest has implemented many enhancements and initiatives outlined in a May 2022 five-year plan of investment and evolution across its Customer Experience.
– For more information, visit: https://swamedia.com/releases/release-04348ac5b321df2dd32727736b0ba97a-southwest-airlines-plans-customer-experience-enhancements-and-modernization-of-brand-elements-with-a-redesigned-cabin-new-seats-and-a-uniform-refresh

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