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Prevent Suicide Fox Cities holds Walk to Remember event for suicide loss survivors [Video]

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APPLETON, Wis. (WBAY) – Prevent Suicide Fox Cities held their third “Walk to Remember” event Sunday in Appleton.

The non-profit organization provides services to decrease suicide and its toll on survivors.

Sunday’s 3.1-mile run/walk event is meant to promote suicide education, wellness, and services for those in need and survivors of suicide.

According to the CDC, adults between 35 and 64 years old make up almost half of all suicides in the United States, with men being the most at risk.

Jason Diermeier is an attendee who lost his brother last year in August. He told us a bit about why events like these matter so much to him.

“For me, this is comfort for me. I’m here with people that know what it’s like. Have been through it. I think my biggest goal for this is to just get the awareness out there so people know about it. Personally, …

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