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Engaging with government on a major digital transformation [Video]

Brand Strategy

Right now, there are over 750 websites across NSW Government agencies and departments…

And each site has its own design, user experience, and technology platforms. Which means our customers have an inconsistent and often frustrating user experience.

Can we do something about it?

Great idea… Say hello to The One CX Program. It’s transforming our customer’s digital experience of NSW Government.

We’re making it easier for customers to access the information they need, without having to understand or navigate the structure of government.

We’re working with each government agency to build as the one place for customers to source information.

Here, customers can find accessible, relevant content complete with personalisation services.

And we’ll keep improving their experience by capturing and acting on feedback

[In mandarin] Can we add in a translation service?

 We can totally add that in.

Our customer-centric approach has already delivered real value to the people of NSW over the last 12 months..

And it’s all delivered in one location.

As the program grows, our agency …

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How Much Traffic do you Really Need?
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