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A lost passion reinvented in New Mexico [Video]

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The game of pinball has entertained the minds of many across the globe for more than 100 years. Its future wasn’t always so certain and has been rocky. A resurgence of new fans has given the classic game a new life and New Mexico is on the front line of that resurgence.Pinball in its modern form was created during the Great Depression Era. It became extremely popular because it was a way for Americans to unwind with a cheap form of entertainment. But, during the 1940’s things began to change and pinball began to catch a bad eye. “Pinball was seen as a gambling activity,” said Kristin Mezel. ” Many states and counties across the United States made it illegal.” Pinball became so controversial, that New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia had people smashing pinball machines with sledgehammers and throwing games into the river. Even with the shadow the …

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3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
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