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10 Marketing Automation Strategies [Video]

How to Market your Brand

By , on 16 June 2020

In recent years marketers have started to pay more attention to marketing automation, but as an industry, we’ve only discovered the tip of the iceberg. Marketing automation goes far beyond constructing automatic emails: it can help you improve the success of discounts and promotions, better manage inventory, detect fake orders, and more.

In this article, we’ll explain the 10 best marketing automation strategies that will improve your marketing workflow.

1) Analyze The Competition

Before starting any marketing strategy, it’s always a good idea to understand what your competition is doing.

So as a first step, I recommend that you study your direct competitor’s websites and even register in their databases. This will allow you to see how they are implementing marketing automation and what kind of tactics they use. You will most likely detect techniques that haven’t even occurred to you, and you will be able to learn from their mistakes.

2) Give Your Customers The Welcome They Deserve

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