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You Need To Make Enemies To Gain Fans – The Art Of Triggering Emotions [Video]

Branding Design

You Need To Make Enemies To Gain Fans – The Art Of Triggering Emotions

If people don’t feel anything when they watch your content, they will never become your fans.

We are emotional beings and we make every decision based on emotions that we then justify with logic. When you learn to make enemies, you automatically create fans.


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Interested in branding yourself or your company?

These FREE resources are for you:

The Personal Branding Fundamentals Training

The Ultimate Brand Guide Walk-Through


My Products:

Naturally On Camera – Mini Course

Finding Your Flow – A Practical Guide To Peak Performance (E-book)

The Missing Pieces Project – Find Your Unique Path By Uncovering The Answers Inside (Notion Project)


Have a nice day.

Stay Cool 🤙🏼

– Miz

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