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yongeTOmorrow City of Toronto [Video]

Watermain Replacement

A cast iron watermain constructed in 1889 exists beneath Yonge Street from Queen Street to College Street. This watermain is due for replacement and Yonge Street will need to be reconstructed to facilitate replacement of the watermain.

South of Gerrard Street, the last reconstruction of the road base took place in 1954 upon completion of the subway. Yonge Street was resurfaced in 2014 from College Street to the Esplanade to improve pavement conditions.

This provides an opportunity to bundle Yonge Street road works with the watermain replacement.

Changes in Downtown Toronto

For over a century, Yonge Street has been an iconic destination in the heart of downtown Toronto for both residents and visitors.

In recent years, growth and technology have changed the look and feel of our city. Today, Downtown Yonge is booming with development and activity during all hours and days of the week. There are more people using the street and their …

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