Brand Marketing on Social Media

Why US surgeon general wants warning label on social media [Video]

Let’s face it, social media has become a mixed bag. Sure, it promised to connect us all in ways we never imagined, but let’s be real: The downsides are starting to overshadow the upsides.

It’s funny how your birth year can totally shape your view on this digital playground. Some of us might shrug off the issues, thinking, “No big deal,” while others are going to extremes, ditching their smartphones for old-school flip phones just to escape the social media circus. It’s like we’re all trying to figure out our own social media survival strategies.

And then there are the parents. Oh boy, are they in for a ride, especially if they’ve got teenagers. They’re busy crafting rules faster than you can say “TikTok,” hoping to keep their kids safe in this wild digital world. But here’s the kicker: It feels like they’re running a never-ending race. Just when they …

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