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Wholesale price increases accelerated in April as inflation remains sticky Boston 25 News [Video]

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WASHINGTON — (AP) — U.S. wholesale prices rose sharply last month, a sign that inflation pressures remain stubbornly high after three elevated readings in consumer prices to start the year.

The Labor Department said Tuesday that its producer price index — which tracks price changes before they reach consumers — climbed 0.5% from March to April, after it dipped 0.1% the previous month. Measured year over year, producer prices rose by 2.2% in April, up from 1.8% in March and the biggest increase in a year.

A measure of underlying inflation, which excludes the volatile food and energy categories, also jumped 0.5% from March to April, and rose 2.4% compared with a year earlier. Economists closely watch core prices because they provide a better signal of where inflation is headed than the overall figure.

Tuesday’s unexpectedly high readings may raise concerns on Wall Street, at the Biden White House and for inflation-fighters at the Federal Reserve. Last week Fed officials underscoredthat they …

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