How to Market your Brand

When does augmented reality help your marketing strategy and when is it a gimmick? [Video]

Over the years there have been many waves of hype and scepticism surrounding augmented reality (AR), and 2024 is no different. 

When trying to cut through and determine if it’s a viable format for your marketing strategy, the first thing to understand is what makes it useful.

These are the strengths of AR.

Inject existing 2D assets with 3D life 

The great strength of AR is that it supplements the real world with an additional layer of information. This means that branded content, marketing materials, and existing inventory can be given a lick of technology paint via AR. And since everyone has a phone it’s easily accessible.

From using a brand logo as a marker to trigger AR content and thereby extend the consumer’s relationship with the brand, through to building out campaigns whereby print and flat screen digital assets are enhanced with interactive AR content; the beauty of AR is that 2D material can be transformed into 3D experiences.

The challenge with …

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