Brand Strategy

What to Expect at brightonSEO San Diego with Kelvin Newman [Video]

What began as a meeting of a small group of SEO professionals at a pub eventually grew into the world’s largest search marketing event known as brightonSEO. 

Recently, brightonSEO hosted its first U.S. destination city event in San Diego, and it was a resounding success! 

brightonSEO founder Kelvin Newman took some time to chat with me about his event’s impressive growth for our Ignite Visibility University Podcast

We discussed everything from brightonSEO’s humble beginnings to some tips for building the perfect event on par with brightonSEO’s big San Diego event.

brightonSEO San Diego

Kelvin Newman started brightonSEOin the late 2000s by simply getting together with some SEO enthusiasts, and renting a room above a pub. Like so many great events, it began with some excited pros who wanted to talk about their shared interests, with this particular …

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