Brand Awareness

What does it take to be a business development superstar? [Video]

Let’s sing the praises of business developers, says Jody Osman, chief growth officer at Propeller Group and Co-Founder of The BD100. Their role requires a unique mix of savvy, diplomacy, and planning – and has never been more in demand.

When times are tough, the tough get going. Which means ‘BD superstars’ are already leaping into action to fuel the new business pipeline for 2025.

But what skills and talents does the modern business developer need, especially in the current challenging business environment where both clients and agencies are under so much pressure? Experienced hands will point to a blend of psychological insight, a high EQ, and the diplomatic skills of a skilled foreign ambassador – but these now need to be allied to more forensic, detailed planning abilities.

Personality is paramount

What should a new business leader focus on to thrive? I asked some recent BD100 judges for their thoughts.

It’s a challenging position, as Jason Foo, founder and CEO of …

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