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Unveiling the World of Destination Marketing — Kylie Kullack [Video]

Branding Tips

Unveiling the World of Destination Marketing — Kylie Kullack

In this episode of “It’s Marketing’s Fall,” I had the pleasure of speaking with Kylie Kullack, the head of client engagement at Struck, a creative agency based in Salt Lake City. Kylie shared her extensive experience in brand transformation across various industries, including destination marketing, outdoor recreation, and biotechnology.

Kylie explained that Struck specializes in brand transformation for companies at various stages of growth, particularly in travel and tourism, outdoor recreation, and biotechnology. She highlighted the importance of understanding a client’s vision, business goals, and trajectory to provide tailored solutions that position them for success.

The conversation then shifted to destination marketing, where Kylie shared insights into the evolving landscape of tourism marketing. She discussed the shift towards destination management, where marketers must balance promoting tourism with addressing infrastructure and community concerns. Kylie emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships and clear communication with government entities and local communities to ensure sustainable growth.

Kylie also touched on the concept of experience transformation, highlighting the significance of delivering consistent brand experiences across all touchpoints. She emphasized the need for proactive marketing strategies and the importance of measuring success beyond traditional ROI metrics to include community impact and stakeholder engagement.

In conclusion, Kylie stressed the value of proactive thinking in marketing and the benefits of anticipating challenges before they arise. The episode provided valuable insights into destination marketing, brand transformation, and the power of strategic partnerships in driving success in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

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