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Top Books on AI for Entrepreneurs [Video]

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As entrepreneurs navigate the rapidly evolving landscapes of their industries, understanding and applying artificial intelligence (AI) has become a non-negotiable skill. In today’s economy, where AI influences everything from supply chain management to customer engagement, founders must be well-acquainted with the concepts and technologies shaping their fields. Books on AI become invaluable resources, providing insights into both the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of AI in business. They offer a strategic advantage to those ready to embrace this technological revolution and integrate its capabilities within their enterprises.

Selecting the right books on AI can be a daunting task, given the wealth of information available. Those geared towards entrepreneurs should not only demystify AI but also equip readers with the knowledge to implement AI-driven solutions effectively. Whether it’s understanding the implications of AI on future business models or learning from the successes and setbacks of AI pioneers, the best books offer …

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