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Tips for talking to your kids about tough topics [Video]

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – When tragedies such as the recent school shooting in Madison, Wisconsin happen, the news and social media can be frightening for children.

Parents are faced with the challenging task of speaking with their children about tough topics in safe and responsible way. Sanford Integrated Health Specialist, Laura Bohan, provides insight on how parents can approach talking with their children about tragedies and scary situations.

Bohan says one of the first steps is to consider the child’s age and see what they have already hear elsewhere.

“It’s going to really depend on the age of the child, developmental level.. but a great starting point is it check in with your kids and see what they’ve already heard, what they already know. Just with social media, news, chances are if you have heard about something, your kids have heard about it too. When we as parents …

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