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There’s more to the popularity of the Ping G30 driver than just turbulators | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

Golf Digest Stix: How much of G30’s success in the marketplace is because its “turbulators” technology story is easy for consumers to understand and embrace?

John K. Solheim: When you see the ball going longer and straighter, it makes the technology easier to understand and embrace. [But] we did make a conscious effort with our marketing to go deeper into what makes the G30 work. We wanted golfers to understand the turbulators (below) by showing them the wind-tunnel footage.

How much does having a marquee player like Bubba Watson help in terms of promoting and selling the driver?

We actually video-taped Bubba when he first got his G30 driver [last year]. His results were very impressive, and the driver went immediately into his bag, validating our engineering efforts. Combined with Bubba’s fun personality, it turned into a perfect promotional video. Bubba doesn’t just hit long drives, he’s got a complete game, so he is great …

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