Branding Design

There are only 13 other people in the world like me [Video]

When I woke up one morning, in 2016, I could tell straight away that something wasn’t right. 

Suddenly, I found that I couldn’t differentiate between shades of blue, green, or red.  

I was 27, and I’d gone colourblind literally overnight – which was weird, and far from ideal as someone working in graphic design. I’d never had any issues with sight before then, so the sudden change was especially alarming.

Worried, I booked an eye test that day, hoping the opticians could give me some answers. But when they tried a standard eye appointment, they couldn’t correct the problem, and it was clear that my eyesight had deteriorated. 

Still, I think my vision was only down to 20/30 – nothing major, but enough to prompt them into doing more tests.

For the next three years, I was in and out of the opticians and throughout that time, there was a gradual change in my vision for the worst. 

But when …

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