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The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health [Video]

We frequently neglect our sleep in our daily juggling of commitments and diversions. Many of us don’t get the sleep we actually need, whether it’s from staying up late to meet deadlines, binge-watching the newest TV show, or losing track of time on social media. But sleep is much more than just a nightly ritual it’s essential to preserving our general health, especially our mental health.

Sleep and mental health are strongly correlated, as evidenced by research that demonstrates how our mood, cognitive function, and emotional equilibrium are all significantly impacted by the quantity and quality of our sleep. This article will explore the relationship between sleep and mental health, the consequences of sleep deprivation, and doable strategies for getting more sleep to improve mental health.

Our mental health depends heavily on sleep, which has a profound impact on our capacity to regulate our emotions, think clearly, and handle stress. It is more difficult …

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