Brand Marketing on Social Media

Sweet Flight Souvenir Delights Internet: ‘Didn’t Know You Could Do This’ [Video]

A video about a nostalgic keepsake service offered to passengers flying with Emirates has captured the hearts of users on TikTok.

The clip, posted by Adiya Poonoosamy (@adiya_p_), has amassed over 767,000 views since being shared on September 4. The footage of the free service was captured on a September 3 flight with Emirates, the poster, who is a 20-year-old student based in Toronto, Canada, told Newsweek.

The video shows a flight attendant taking a Polaroid photograph of passengers in their seats. The clip then displays a plane-themed card with a Polaroid picture of two women posing together framed inside of it.

Poonoosamy, who is studying fashion and does modeling on the side, used to live in Abu Dhabi and flew with Emirates often as a child. She said: “I always remembered the photos with my dog Teddy that they took when I was maybe five or six years old.”

She asked the flight attendants whether …

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