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South Carolina US House District 4 candidates speak in Spartanburg [Video]

Two candidates for Congress in District 4 spoke in Spartanburg Tuesday, a couple of months before Election Day. Incumbent Rep. William Timmons spoke about issues he has been dealing with in Washington, such as border security, debt and what he calls “social safety nets.” He said his focus is to get the country back on track. “We have 10 million people crossing the southern border illegally, inflation is soaring, gas prices are up, and the American people are hurt less here because of all the good things we have going, but we’re still struggling because of the decisions coming out of Washington,” Timmons said. He said his political platform this election cycle focuses on limited government and incentivizing growth through the free market. Shortly after Timmons spoke, Democratic candidate Kathryn Harvey held a press conference in response. She said Timmons spoke too much on national issues and not enough about …

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