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Snack Companies Are Cashing in on Little Treat Culture [Video]

Members of Gen Z now range in age from 12 to 27, and the snack industry is keeping a close eye on how they spend their money. 

Much as millennials stand accused of killing various industries thanks to their insatiable appetite for avocado toast, Gen Z is defined by its so-called “little treat culture,” or small purchases and sweet moments to fend off the general malaise of the current moment. Is it any wonder, then, that so many snack companies are releasing new products designed specifically to cater to said treat culture?

Tate’s Bake Shop, bakers of crispy chocolate chip cookies beloved nationwide, recently announced that its bite-sized Tiny Tate’s cookies(launched in 2015) are now available in larger-format 5.5-ounce resealable bags optimized for on-the-go snacking. While that’s an added convenience for just about anyone, a Tate’s representative noted to Food & Wine that the company aims to appeal to Gen Z’s snacking habits, which are shaped by social media trends around …

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