See Creature Animation has collaborated with Cossette and Rodeo FX Production for Hanging by A Thread, a 60-second stop-motion commercial created for the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). The ad is part of a broader awareness campaign about psychological health in the workplace that aims to prevent psycho social risks such as bullying and harassment.
At the heart of the campaign is a visual metaphor: psychological health in the workplace is so fragile it can feel as though it’s literally “hanging by a thread.” The ad features handcrafted crochet characters animated in stop-motion.
“Stop-motion animation naturally has a human touch to it, so it made perfect sense to use stop motion to tell such an emotional story,” said Dale Hayward, co-director and CEO of See Creature Animation.
The narrative follows Harold, an office worker who struggles with psychological violence causing him to unravel – …