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Spring time, the season of sneezes and sniffles but fear not with *** few savvy strategies. You can transform your home into *** pollen free fortress. Start by embracing cleanliness, vacuum, dust and mop away those pesky particles opt for hardwood floors over carpets says the New York Post invest in blackout curtains for *** sneeze free sleep and choose hypoallergenic bedding for extra comfort. The mayo cleaning suggests and keys in pillows, mattresses and box brings in dust mite proof covers, washing bedding, weakling, hot water and swapping wool or feather for synthetic. When it comes to letting in the fresh air timing is key, crack those windows at day’s end when pollen levels are lower and rely on indoor ventilation and air conditioning to keep things cool without inviting allergens inside. And for the plant lovers choose wisely, palms, orchids and ferns produce minimal pollen, keeping your sneezes …

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