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7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
12 Steps to Create Videos

Pennant Video: The Video Marketing Trifecta

Brand Awareness

Pennant Video: The Video Marketing Trifecta

To equip your marketing and sales teams with the tools they need to grow your business, you need content that connects with your prospects and enables them to make a decision. Pennant makes videos that empower those choices. And to move the needle for your business, we’ve developed a three pronged approach to galvanize your mid funnel strategy and champion your brand in a competitive marketplace.

First, you differentiate your brand, giving your future customers motives to choose your solution to their problem. Anthems highlight the why of your business, why you exist, why the audience should care, why they’ll choose you over your rivals. This acts as your brand’s flagship asset online.

Next, you demonstrate your solution’s value to the audience, showing them just how powerful your product or service is for solving their problems. Explainers allow you to dig into functions, benefits, and value propositions to users, admins, and your audience’s business.

Finally, you validate your offerings via real customers. Endorsements serve as persuasive, cinematic storytelling tools to showcase experiences and outcomes, giving your prospects the confidence to choose your brand.

By focusing on these three actions, differentiate, demonstrate, validate, Your team can concentrate their sales and marketing efforts on what matters most to the business, driving revenue. All while the videos do the hard work and act as a force multiplier on your brand’s behalf.

Let’s unleash your inner champion.

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