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Our focus now is really on maintenance of access, Sheridan Lake Road construction update [Video]

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Increased growth comes with increasing challenges.

In 2022, The U.S. Census Bureau named Rapid City as the fastest-growing community in the Midwest and the 54th fastest-growing city in the nation.

That same year, Avid4 Engineering was chosen to design the full reconstruction of Sheridan Lake Road in hopes of accommodating both existing and future increases in traffic.

The construction area spans from Corral Drive to Catron Boulevard.

John Van Beek, the president of Avid4 Engineering, says due to the winter months, construction has slowed down, and they are now working on the east side of the road between Catron Boulevard and the northern intersection of Summerset.

Van Beek says his team is doing as much as they can as the ground starts to freeze.

“Our focus now is really on maintenance of access, making sure folks can get in and out of their homes, businesses …

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