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Money dispute divides one Parkland school shooting victim from others NBC 6 South Florida [Video]

The families of those who died at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High back in 2018 had hoped to put thoughts of the killer behind them by now.

But, even as he sits in prison for life without parole, his deeds and his money re-emerged Thursday in a testy court hearing in Broward County Circuit Court.

A lawyer for families of dead and injured said a dispute over the killer’s inheritance and intellectual property rights is being forced by the “greed” of the attorney for the most seriously injured survivor, former student Anthony Borges.

But Borges’ attorney said it was about his clients getting a fair share of whatever they can in their civil suit against the killer.

The killer doesn’t have much to his name while housed at Florida state prison. But he has rights to his image, likeness and story and nearly $450,000, his share from an annuity his mother left to him and his brother.

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