Brand Awareness

Local Content in Oil & Gas: A Catalyst for Shared Growth in Namibia [Video]

In the oil and gas industry, local content refers to the development of local industries, workforce and resources to support the operations of international oil companies (IOC) within a country. For Namibia, fostering ‘Namibian Content’ can significantly enhance economic growth, social development and technological advancement.

Leveraging Local Content to Drive Economic Growth

Local content policies can be a catalyst for economic growth by ensuring that a significant portion of the industry’s value chain is retained within the country. By promoting the use of local goods, services and labor, these policies can create a myriad of job opportunities for Namibians. This not only fosters employment but also stimulates the development of ancillary industries, such as manufacturing, logistics and services, which support the oil and gas sector. Local content also contributes to the diversification of Namibia’s economy. By developing industries related to the oil and gas sector, the country can reduce its reliance on oil revenues and build a …

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