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Jobs picture in St. Louis-area bright so far this summer, [Video]

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – The St. Louis jobs picture is brighter so far this summer.

Jerome Katz, Professor of Business at Chaifetz School of Business at SLU joined Total Information A.M. to discuss the jobs picture in the St. Louis-region and nationally says so far this summer, and a few sectors are seeing growth.

“The biggest growth was predictably in the leisure and the hospitality industry because of course, the summer push. Over 9.5% more people were employed there than a month before,” said Katz. “Education and Health are also seeing growths, which was up about 3%.”

Katz says the overall job market has looks much different to the Great Resignation after the pandemic, but some people are still looking at quickly changing jobs.

“People changing jobs quickly and frequently to try to bump their salaries up a lot has begun to calm down,” said Katz. “But in fact, the job market is …

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