Brand Marketing on Social Media

Jimmy Darts Gifts Homeless Woman Cash For Kindness [Video]

MadameNoire Featured Video

In this installment of Tales From TikTok, we spotlight Jimmy Darts, a social media influencer dedicated to spreading kindness. On April 7, he posted a video where he tested the generosity of Tenae, a woman who had been residing in a homeless shelter, striving to rebuild her life.

Initially posing as homeless, Darts approached Tenae outside of a Walmart and asked to borrow a pillow she had recently purchased, citing discomfort from sleeping outside several nights in a row. Despite her hardships, Tenae selflessly offered her pillow without hesitation. 

“You can have the pillow,” to which Darts replied, “What are you gonna use?” 

With love and care, Tenae responded, “I can get another one.”

Touched by her kindness, Darts surprised Tenae by presenting her with $1,000 in cash. The heartwarming gift sent tears streaming down Tenae’s face. 

“Thanks, bro,” she said, overwhelmed with emotion. “It could always be worse. I could be sleeping under the bridge, …

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