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Incorporate ESG in operations to boost growth [Video]

Brand Awareness

Speakers at the MTN Bright Conversation Sus­tainability Week have called on corporate bodies to embrace Environmental Social Governance (ESG) standards in their opera­tions to boost the growth of their businesses.

ESG, among others is defined as business models, products and service which contribute to sustainable development.

The speakers are Dr Felix Addo-Yobo, Deputy Director and Advisor on Sustainable Devel­opment Goals and Advisory Unit, Office of the President, Participant Engagement and Outreach Man­ager, UN Global Compact – Gha­na, Mina Pokuaa Agyemang and Manager, Governance, Risk and Compliance of KPMG, Mr Ber­nard Owusu Ansah, disclosed that the ESG had become important in the operations of corporate bodies in view of the SDGs.

Dr Addo-Yobo stated that ESG had become a catchword for the business community and underpin­ning that ESG was sustainability which was meeting the present need of society without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet same.

Additionally, he …

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