How to Market your Brand

How banning Tik Tok would impact businesses like Platos Closet [Video]

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – With more than a billion users worldwide, Tik Tok has become an important platform for businesses to reach customers.

“I think Tik Tok took it to the next level; videos just grab people’s attention so easily, and I think especially for our young demographic, they just love those videos. I have kids that love Tik Tok, so I understand why it is a powerful platform,” said Lindsy Conry, owner of Plato’s Closet.

Plato’s Closet, a trendy second-hand clothing store, has used the app to advertise and create a sense of community with their younger customers.

“Young people love to see people in the store, so we always try to get like our staff doing fun things or customers doing fun things, but the videos are always the fun stuff; they do take more time, so we kind of have to space them out, but we …

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