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Helping Consumers Recognize Digital Scams [Video]

Ben Chance serves as Chief Fraud Risk Management Officer at Early Warning Services. In this role, he is responsible for managing fraud risk across the Decision Intelligence, Zelle® and PazeSM networks. Early Warning – the parent company of Zelle – works to attack scams on all fronts: from a technology perspective, with consumer education campaigns and also through public-private partnerships.

As we increasingly transact online and spend time on social networks and apps it is important to learn more about the best practices for safe money transfers and ways to aovid the latest digital scams. Research from FINRA indicates that when people are aware of a specific scam, they are 80% less likely to engage with it, and if they do engage, are 20% less likely to lose money or sensitive information. Joining us today with advice on how to recognize commons cams targeting consumers during the summer months is …

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