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‘Ghostbusters’ Star Suddenly Rejects Marvel Movies [Video]

Branding Management

It seems, however, that there’s just something about The Walt Disney Company-owned Marvel intellectual property now — once thought to be pop-culturally evergreen — that appears to have soured in the minds of fans and stars alike.

Credit: Sony Pictures

Related: Sony Pictures Announces ‘Ghostbusters’ 2016 Movie Sequel

Though Marvel has frequently been cited to have slipped in quality, resulting in an alleged “superhero fatigue” from less-than-stellar storytelling, it’s not like the Ghostbusters franchise has been devoid of criticism either.

In fact, the ever-contentious Ghostbusters: Answer the Call from 2016, starring Kristen Wiig (Erin Gilbert), Melissa McCarthy (Abby Yates), Leslie Jones (Patty Tolan), Kate McKinnon (Jillian Holtzmann), and Chris Hemsworth (Kevin Beck), seems unable to escape controversy.

Credit: Inside the Magic

Why Are Actors Distancing Themselves From Marvel?

Credit: Netflix

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Marvel is no longer the hot bag for actors it once was. Either due to a weakening public perception or a drop …

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