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Gary Lineker accused of breaking BBC rules with outfit during Euros 2024 [Video]

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Gary Lineker’s outfit while presenting coverage of England’s opening Euros match may have breached BBC guidelines, it has been claimed.

The Match of the Day presenter, 63, appeared to wear a green T-shirt from his Next clothing range while commenting on Sunday’s England v Serbia game live on-air.

According to BBC rules, on-air talent should not wear clothes ‘which they have agreed, or been contracted, to promote or in which they have any financial interest.’

Under section 15 conflict of interest, the broadcaster’s guidelines state: ‘No on-air talent should promote products, goods, services or clothing they use on air.

‘On-air talent, in any genre, engaged by the BBC must not accept clothing or products free, or at considerably reduced cost, in exchange for wearing or using them on air.

‘Nor should they appear on air wearing clothes or using products, goods or services which they have agreed, or been contracted, to promote or in which they have any financial interest.’

Gary …

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