Brand Awareness

First-Party Data is the New Currency for Personalized Experiences, Kinective Media by United Airlines Petrella Beet.TV [Video]

CANNES — In a world where cookies are crumbling, IP addresses are being suppressed, and mobile identifiers are being blocked, first-party data has emerged as the new currency for creating personalized experiences.

It’s an avenue for collaboration among partners to surprise and delight users and customers, according to Mike Petrella, MD of Strategic Partnerships at Kinective Media by United Airlines.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, he says first-party data, when done right, allows for the creation of better, more targeted experiences that evoke emotion.

As more first-party data becomes available and transactional data becomes more important, clean rooms offer the opportunity to take sensitive data and marry offline and online conversion data to create a robust, holistic return on ad spend (ROAS).

“From a marketer’s standpoint, clean rooms now give me the signal in terms of the power and the value of my data, not just the performance of …

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