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DE222 Honoree: Drew Slater – Delaware Business Times [Video]

Title: Executive Director

Workplace: Sustainable Energy Utility, Inc. (Energize Delaware)

Alma Maters: Washington College, Wilmington College

Boards: Biggs Museum of American Art, Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, Governor’s Energy Advisory Council

Q&A: Best advice for your younger self? “As a kid, you don’t often know what you want to do for a career and that’s often the case for students today. I think we can get bogged down, stressed, and anxious thinking of the big picture instead of taking it one step and day at a time.”

Andrew “Drew” Slater was named the leader of Energize Delaware in early 2023, tasked with leading the nonprofit that aids residents, businesses, non-profits, government facilities, farms and schools become energy efficient. Before becoming the second executive director of Energize Delaware, Slater built a resume of 20 years of experience in various roles, such as Delaware’s Public Advocate, then-Rep. John Carney’s Kent and Sussex Coordinator …

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