Brand Strategy

Dangerous climbs atop London’s Victoria Bridge spread on social media [Video]

A reckless and irresponsible stunt is raising questions about the safety of London’s brand new $22 million bridge over the Thames River.

A brief video that has already been widely circulated on social media shows two people standing on top of the bridge’s west arch on Ridout Street – dangerously high above the river.

According to designs on the City of London website, the peak of each arch is 10 metres above the road surface, and 15.5 metres higher than where they connect to the abutment.

Director of Transportation and Mobility Doug MacRae, said that the risk that people might climb on the arches was considered during the design process, “Features were incorporated into the Victoria Bridge design to try to minimize the potential for this kind of behavior.”

Victoria Bridge on Ridout Street (Daryl Newcombe/CTV News London)

A large piece of steel mesh suspended below the deck of the bridge is intended to block people from climbing the …

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