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DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Is Sir Keir Starmer’s speech selling us snake oil? [Video]

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Sir Keir Starmer says that the Government’s priority is boosting the economy to ‘take the brakes off Britain’.

So it was deeply disappointing that measures unveiled in his maiden King’s Speech risk keeping them firmly on.

The Prime Minister insists he understands that economic growth is the only reliable way to raise living standards and improve public services. He has declared that Labour is proudly pro-business. Yet his legislative agenda, outlined by King Charles yesterday, suggests the opposite.

Take the Employment Rights Bill, whose original architect is deputy leader Angela Rayner. To some, it may sound reasonable.

Better wages, stronger rights to flexible and home working, and access to sick pay and parental leave from day one.

Sir Keir Starmer has declared Labour pro-business, but his legislative agenda, as set out in the King’s Speech yesterday, suggests the opposite
There was no mention of the elephant in the room, …

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