Brand Awareness

Cloud is Enabling New Addressable TV Opportunities Beet.TV [Video]

The shift of addressable data to the cloud is creating a new environment for connected TV and streaming data to come together with brands’ and agencies’ audience data, says Gareth Davies of TransUnion.

This cloud-based approach can facilitate better overlap forecasting, audience segmentation, targeting and measurement, he explains in this video interview with Beet.TV.

“What’s exciting there is it’s creating a new environment for both connected TV and streaming data to come together with a brand or an agency’s audience data which can facilitate better overlap forecasting analysis, better segmentation and targeting of audiences, and ultimately better measurement on the backend,” Davies says.

However, achieving true addressability requires a deep understanding of identity and the ability to create a single, persistent view of each consumer, Davies believes.

“Recognizing that we’re not in a world with a perfect singular view of identity that every participant can actually agree on, I think …

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