Branding Design

CAKE – Brand Music 2 – Audio Branding by Luis Brasy [Video]

CAKE – Brand Music 2 – Audio Branding by Luis Brasy

Introducing a short version of the custom “Brand Music 2” crafted for CAKE, the Swedish electric motorbike manufacturer.

In audio branding, the goal is to create a sonic identity that captures the brand’s attributes, values, personality and characteristics.

The Brand Music embodies the unique sonic identity of the brand, influencing subconscious perceptions and enhancing other stimuli like language and images. It lays the foundation for the brand’s comprehensive audio branding.

For CAKE, I meticulously designed the following key audio branding elements:

Audiologo: A concise, distinguishable sound representing the brand.
Brand Voice: An articulated representation used in brand communication.
Brand Music 1 & 2: Unique musical compositions reflecting the brand’s personality.
Soundscape: Ambient sounds enhancing the brand experience.
Jingle: Memorable musical message.
Sound Icon: Concise auditory elements conveying brand values.

The brand Music was designed by Luis Brasy for academic purposes as part of a sound design final project.

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