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BREAKING: Summit Racing Drops Speedmaster After Finding Alleged Counterfeit Parts in Inventory [Video]

Branding Management

Multiple counterfeit trans brake valve bodies were allegedly found in Speedmaster packaging, causing the automotive retailer to remove all Speedmaster products from the company’s website.

Full disclosure: Summit Racing is a current vendor on Ford Truck Enthusiasts.

Jay Robarge founded Broader Performance 24 years ago to help “racers solve their transmission problems.” He is a Ford expert in an aftermarket “sea of GM experts,” selling built versions of Ford’s C4, C6, AOD, and AODE/47R0W transmissions along with torque converters, valve bodies, other transmission accessories, and custom work.

Last Friday, Robarge posted a video to his YouTube channel about a customer who called to warranty a broken C4 trans brake valve body that was allegedly purchased at Summit Racing. Which is odd because Broader Performance only sells products directly to customers. Not through any third-party retailers. And that’s when the customer replied, “but it’s got your name on it.”

Sure enough, when the valve body …

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