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AI and blockchain attracting most investment in next-gen technology: Broadridge [Video]

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) are the next-gen technologies that will attract the most investment over the next two years, a new report has found.

The report by New York-based fintech giant Broadridge Financial Solutions delved into digital transformation in financial services and looked at the trends defining the future. Broadridge polled 500 C-level and senior executives from 18 countries whose companies had an average of $122 billion in assets under management.

The study found that financial companies intend to increase their investment in AI by 21%, just slightly above the 20% increase for blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

While AI has grabbed the headlines in the past two years, the study revealed that blockchain hasn’t lost its appeal in the financial industry and remains central to most companies’ plans.

The report observed that blockchain has evolved from a conceptual technology to a specific, measurable one. Financial firms use blockchain in trading and transaction processing to …

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