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A24 Under Fire for Seemingly AI Generated Civil War Ads [Video]

Movie marketing always treads a fine line between actually giving you an indicator of what you’ll see in the final film and more about evoking a specific vibe—from made-for-trailer shots to hypothetical what ifs, it’s sometimes not always clear what part of it will actually be seen on screen when you’re in a movie theater. But that fine line gets much, much messier when you throw generative AI into the mix.

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A24 learned that the hard way last night when it released a series of promotional images for Alex Garland’s new alt-future dystopia movie Civil War—depicting intentionally hypothetical images of the reach of the film’s fictional contemporary American civil war. None of the scenes, which includes soldiers riding an armed boat outside a battle damaged Los Angeles, and the Las Vegas sphere turned into a blackened husk, and more, are actually based on …

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